Friday, August 1, 2008
The Best Video Yet - Obama as "The One"
Thursday, July 31, 2008
DES MOINES, IA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that Iowans Major General Evan "Curly" Hultman, USA (Ret.); Brigadier General Russ Eggers, USAF (Ret.); Major General Merrill Evans, USA (Ret.); Brigadier General Maurice Phillips, USA (Ret.); Brigadier General W.L. "Bill" Wallace, USA (Ret.); and Major General Gary Wattnem, USA (Ret.), along with nearly 250 retired generals and admirals from around the country are endorsing John McCain for president. The retired generals and admirals signed the following letter of endorsement of John McCain's candidacy:
We have had the honor and privilege of serving as career officers in the United States Armed Forces, and of serving shoulder to shoulder with so many of the fine young men and women who are the backbone of America's Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. It is that experience that informs our judgment that John McCain is the presidential candidate best suited to serve as America's Commander-in Chief from the day of his inauguration.
Our next president will confront national security challenges as significant as those faced by any administration in at least a generation. Success will require a leader with proven tenacity, judgment and courage. It will also require a leader with detailed knowledge of our military and other instruments of national power, and with years of experience dealing seriously with foreign leaders.
John McCain's entire life has been devoted to the service of America. Throughout a long and distinguished career in the military and in Congress, he has repeatedly displayed the courage and integrity to place America's interests first -- regardless of personal cost. And he has demonstrated the experience and wisdom to lead America -- and, importantly, our allies -- in effectively dealing with complex and vitally important national security challenges around the world.
Stuart physician slams Obama for nixing troop visit
By George Bennett
Palm Beach Post
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A Treasure Coast surgeon and Republican activist who oversaw the care of wounded U.S. troops in Germany says presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama showed "bad judgment" in canceling a visit to a military hospital there during his recent world travels.
Dr. Slobodan "Danny" Jazarevic, who left West Palm Beach in 2002 to be chief of trauma and vascular surgery and critical care at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, said Tuesday that wounded troops always appreciate visits from U.S. officials and celebrities.
Jazarevic, a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, lives in Stuart and is running in a GOP primary for a Treasure Coast state House seat. Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign asked him to speak to reporters about the Landstuhl controversy.
The McCain campaign has slammed Obama for canceling the visit to Landstuhl. It released an ad this week that says Obama "made time to go to the gym, but canceled a visit with wounded troops. Seems the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras."
Obama's campaign said it never planned to bring reporters or cameras along, and pointed out that he did not invite the media earlier in the trip when he visited wounded soldiers in Iraq.
Obama told reporters in London on Saturday that the Landstuhl visit was called off because of "concern that maybe our visit was going to be perceived as political, and the last thing that I want to do is have injured soldiers and the staff at these wonderful institutions having to sort through whether this is political or not and get caught in the crossfire between the campaigns."
Jazarevic said an Obama visit to Landstuhl might indeed have been perceived as political. But he said Obama should have gone anyway because it would have boosted the morale of injured troops.
"We had congressmen, senators, movie stars, everybody visit Landstuhl. All those troops, they were grateful for someone to come," Jazarevic said.
"It was a bad decision on somebody's part to tell (Obama) not to go. It was bad judgment," he added.
Asked if Obama would have been criticized if he had visited the troops, Jazarevic said: "I'm sure he would be. But I think the honor of visiting those troops trumps everything else. They're honored and he should be honored by visiting."
Jazarevic, 51, is trauma director at Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute in Fort Pierce. He is one of three Republicans running in an Aug. 26 primary for the seat of term-limited state Rep. Gayle Harrell, R-Port St. Lucie.
John McCain Attends Country First Concert with John Rich
WHO: John McCain and John Rich
WHAT: Speaks at Country First Concert
WHEN: Friday, August 1, 2008 at 6:25 p.m. EDT
*Please Note: Doors open for general public admission at 3:00 p.m. EDT.
WHERE: Marina Civic Center Complex , 8 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Florida
"Celeb" - The Newest Video From McCain 2008

Gas prices are at an all-time high, and Senator Obama has become the "Dr. No" of energy. He says no to off-shore drilling, resulting in an increase in our dependence on foreign oil. In fact, his solution to our energy challenge is to raise taxes on electricity. Hard-working Americans can't afford Senator Obama's energy policies in the White House.
You and I know that our country is faced with great challenges and Americans need to elect a true leader as our next president, a leader who puts country first. That leader is John McCain.
Throughout his entire life, John McCain has put his country first. Often called a "maverick" because he believes in solving problems with real solutions, he's prepared to lead our country in a new direction and he needs our help to get elected this fall.